Northern Nevada Imaging: Blog en-us (C) Northern Nevada Imaging (Northern Nevada Imaging) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:45:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:45:00 GMT Northern Nevada Imaging: Blog 120 110 13" vintage press glass punch bowl. $13.00

vintage rentals

(Northern Nevada Imaging) vintage rentals weddings events glass EAPG Fri, 13 Feb 2015 10:36:16 GMT
10 words to describe Northern Nevada Imaging I am looking for your help.  You know the Freudian thing, the association thing, well, I need your help.  I have been busy over the last month, learning how to be  a better business owner.  Learning how to bring you the most amazing photography experience possible.  So, here is my question.  Please list the first ten words that you can think of when you think of Northern Nevada Imaging.  Why?  Because sometimes there are different perspectives.  I know what we are good at.  I know what type of service I “think” that we are providing our customers, but do my thoughts match your thoughts?


Please respond to this post in the comment section.  Weather you are a long time loyal customer, a prospective customer, or just a fan, I want to know what you think.

As a way of giving me five minutes or your time, I will give you five minutes of my time.  For each person that responds with 10 words, I will send you a $5 voucher for your next purchase!   Ready…. Set…. Go!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Did you Know... general information Investment Photo term Defenitions Pricing Soni key words. portrait bucks thoughts words Mon, 01 Apr 2013 06:31:00 GMT
Grandma… NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

How many people can we fit in the studio????  I can honestly say, this might be the most icon_smile   And yep, Grandma got it all together(she is in the very middle), Mom Judy was a HUGE help too by the way!  Organized the whole thing!  22 people?  But who’s counting right? icon_smile   Love and adore all of you!




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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Families Portraits Tue, 26 Mar 2013 18:40:27 GMT
Amazing Baby NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.



Photo of the day…. This is one of those images that just pulls at your heart strings….. icon_smile

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Newborns Photo of the day Baby Fernley First Year Nevada Newborn NV photographer studio Thu, 21 Mar 2013 11:57:53 GMT
Dayton High School Spring Sports With the wind ripping, kids not where they were supposed to be when they were supposed to be there, we still had a great day.  We always love visiting Dayton High School.  The kids are always so respectful, kind, and “usually” organized.  The boys gold team has continually been so understanding in the whole process!





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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Events High School Sports School Portraits Youth Sports Dayton High School DHS Sports Spring Thu, 21 Mar 2013 07:56:55 GMT
Wedding Scholarships, 2013 Tell us your love story and win a full wedding scholarship for the 2013 season….. a $1500 VALUE!  Wow.  We are here to make your day a special day!

Write an essay and tell us your love story and you could be one of three winners.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Business Did you Know... Soni Weddings Fernley NV photographer Pictures Portrait studio wedding Wed, 20 Mar 2013 07:36:01 GMT
Wedding Portrait Scholarship Are you getting married or know someone who is getting married? We are having a wedding photography scholarship program. We will be awarding three complete wedding packages for the 2013 wedding season. $1500 Value each.
How do you qualify for the wedding day package?…. Tell us your story. Write and essay and tell us about why you deserve to win one of three wedding day packages. We want to make your day the best ever!
All essays must be submitted before April 15th 2013. Winners will be announced May 1st 2013.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Tue, 19 Mar 2013 06:51:16 GMT
Day 6…. I think, My first actual post, well, kinda NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Our apprentice has had a slow start…. I hope that she realizes the opportunity that she has, and recognizes the talent that she has!  These images are from several weeks ago, but teaching her the editing process will take a while…. (I am a stickler for quality!)

Anyway, these images are beautiful!  Anyone would love to have images of their newborn that look like this!


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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Newborns Portraits Baby Fernley Newborn NV photographer studio Tue, 19 Mar 2013 06:14:16 GMT
Easter Bunny Session: Coming Today. We have had some difficulty filling studio events lately…. Not today.  We have a waiting list!  I will try to bring you a sneak peak this afternoon or evening…  The bunnies should be arriving at about 3pm!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Easter Events Monthly Studio Events Portraits Bunnies event Fernley NV Portrait Photographer studio Mon, 18 Mar 2013 06:14:51 GMT
Not sure what day it is…. NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

I’m not sure what day it is…. maybe 5?  I guess it really does not matter as long as I blog, right?  We will see. 


I am so excited to apply what I learned at WPPI!  I have so much to do.  I do have to play catch-up from being gone for two weeks though.  The days following WPPI are kind of like new years resolutions…. wlEmoticon-smile2  

- What am I going to do in the upcoming year. 

-What changes can I implement for the coming year?

-How can I better serve my customers?

-How can I be a better photographer?

-How can I be more efficient?

-How can I make my photography career more fulfilling?


I would LOVE to make this an interactive blog.  Drop me a note to let me know that you are out there and that I am not just talking to myself… wlEmoticon-smile2


It will be interesting to see if I can get everything I need to get done today.  If you can get them done for me, I would so appreciate it.

Monday To-Do List- (studio)

-find green screen software

-find digital basketball backdrop

-get inspired by you set –up and problem free

-print name badges for HDLL and DVGSA

-find Easter Digital Backdrop

-edit Ali, McCarthy, …… somebody else

- Update website

-Bunny Shoot!!!!!!

-get IUSBport to work!

-Create a daily workflow.

-set up apprenticeship program for Brea


I was thinking that MAYBE, if I published my to-do list there would be more accountability?  Maybe?  I doubt it…  Loves to you all, and welcome to one heck of a CRAZY week! Smooches….

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Did you Know... general information Soni 28 day challenge busy soni to-do list work wppi resolutions Mon, 18 Mar 2013 06:11:08 GMT
Day four…. NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Trying to make the accountability happen.  Yesterday was a rough day.  I hope the you were able to find hope and inspiration in my words…. wlEmoticon-smile1   Have an amazing day!  I have so much to do following WPPI!  There is a fire under my butt and I am going to conquer the world!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Sat, 16 Mar 2013 08:27:57 GMT
The makings of a rant…… I just spent a week in Las Vegas, NV.  The happiest place on earth (for portrait and wedding photographers anyway).  A week long intensive networking and educational convention.  The inspiration is amazing.  The amount of knowledge that I get is life changing.  It has made me the photographer that I am.   I recommend that if any of you want to be professional photographers, WPPI will change your life.

So my trip was so much more than photography.  I am hoping that it will become a life altering experience personally.  Do you ever recognize when an “ah-ha” moment is the process of happening.  This last week, I actually spent more time crying than I spent in photography classes.  Keep in mind that education comes in all forms, right?  The journey to WPPI this year will transform the face of my business and my personal life!  For those of you who know me personally, you know that I have had a whirl wind of a year.  I don’t want to go into details ,however, it has been a year to test anybody’s resilience.  I remain positive; I move forward; and I look for the good in every experience; I do, however, have an extremely busy life, I run a successful business, I am a mother, I am a wife, and I am VERY private (I don’t want anybody to feel sorry for me EVER!)  The proceeding scenarios does wonders for my daily life, but it is like bomb waiting to go off when my shell gets cracked.  The oxymoron thing here, is that on a daily basis I am strong and confident and exude success from my pores.  Make me feel vulnerable and I am the biggest bumbling, crying, insecure, worthless feeling, example of a being that I have seen.  Literally, Jekyll and Hyde.  Those who know me in one aspect or the other would NEVER believe that the other side existed.  Yes, I know, if you are one of those people that knows me personally, you are thinking that I am full of shit right now, that is ok, I know what “My own truth” is.   I have spent many years trying to convince others that “my truth” mattered.  Really, the only one that it matters to is me.

So, my “ah-ha” moment.  The moment, after receiving eye glasses, that I realized that there were actually leaves on trees.  That they were not single masses of solid green stuff…..  It is all about self worth….

I am infamous for going on rants.  Getting so mad that I feel that I need to let the whole digital worldknow what I was thinking…..  Explain to the digital world exactly what I was thinking.  HAHAHA….. Explain, that is the key word.  I didn’t use the platform to tell anyone off.  I just tried to explain to the “haters” why they shouldn’t hate.  I tried to explain to those who did not see value in what I was doing what the value was.  In the process I offended many people.  No matter how many times I told the supporters and lovers that I acknowledge them, appreciated them, and needed them, I still offended them.

On my very first WPPI, 7 years ago, I realized my photographic “VALUE”.  I have spent all of the following years trying to justify my value; trying to get others and potential customers to see the “value” in what I was doing.  Trying to prove that I deserved just as much as everyone else to earn an honest living.  What I did not realize is that I did not see my own “worth”.  I have been doing so my whole entire life.  Not only with my business, but my whole entire life…  I have tried to prove to my family, to my siblings, to my co-workers, to my friends, to my parents, to my husband that I was worthy.   Yes, it is, a play on words.  I often get that.  They are only words, and they mean the same thing, but I am a very literal person.  My attention to detail is acute.  The slight variation in word definition completely changes the context of a statement if you do not know the difference between the words of “value” and “worth” please feel free to investigate it further.

Personal interpretation defines EVERY interaction with other people.  Individual experiences and connotations defines how we perceive interactions.  Where am I going with this.  My whole life I have been trying to prove my worth.  What is perceived as bragging and self promotion, was in all actuality a plea for acceptance and worthiness.  I felt that if I proved myself, if I was able to accomplish things, that if I was able to continue to improve, that “eventually” I would be accepted and others would see my worth.  The problem is….. never once, in all of my life did I see my own worth.

The strongest aspect of this phenomena has been present with my own family.  Why do I continue to search for this worth…. because my immediate family has never(generalization) seen any worth in who I am,  not my children, but my parents and my siblings.  I am an over achiever, I am a perfectionist, and I am highly self competitive because I have always thought that if I did more, if I did better, if I accomplished one more thing that I could finally achieve the level of acceptance and my family would find worth in me.

What I didn’t realize…… There are SO many people that have accepted me.  There are SO many people that see my worth.  I have discounted so many important people in my life, because I was looking for approval from very specific people in my life.  I will NEVER receive acceptance from those people.  I can not base my own self worth on whether or not my family accepts me or finds worth in the person that I am.

I hope that this revelation will change my life!

Thank you to all that have accepted me and find the worth in who I am…. you enrich my life every day, I couldn’t do it without you.

You will giggle to yourself if you personally know me….  Here is the mental picture of the visious circle that I have been caught in…. believe me it all perceptual….  I have spent the better part of 40 years,  groveling at the feet of those around me….. mental picture.   I am the roylal subject kneeled down on the ground arms extended to some type of king chanting “I’m not worthy… I’m not worthy”,   the king on the other hand does not see a peasant on the ground, but rather an equal, and strong, vibrant, successful peer.   The viscouse cycle comes from the fact that both parties are seeing something completely different.  Neither one of these two people will ever feel a balance, it’s all about perspective right.   The royal subject can’t figure out why the king will not acknowledging why he is a good subject, and the king can not figure out why one of his peers is laying on the ground with his arms outstreched….  if you can get the mental picture, you can see look of bewilderment and confusion on each of their faces….

I understand that you do not accept me….. I will no longer try to prove to you that I am worthy of your acceptance.

I close again with tears running down my face, an emptyness in my heart, and an ache for something that will never be.  It is time now to morn the loss of something that never was, and move on.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Did you Know... general information Soni inspirational personal rant soni value worth Fri, 15 Mar 2013 07:10:57 GMT
Day two…. NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Do you know that it takes 21 days to form a habit.  If I blog EVERYDAY for 21 days, it will become a habit.  It might get a little boring for you, LOL, but MAYBE, I will learn how to blog on a daily basis.  LOVE YA BABY!!! wlEmoticon-smile

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) general information Soni Blog blogging Fernley Nevada northern photographer Portrait studio Thu, 14 Mar 2013 06:23:18 GMT
Oops, I am a bad mom! Not literally, but figuratively!  I have had an amazing time at WPPI this week!  And in case you were wondering, bad mom comment is not about my kids, but rather about my business!  It has been almost exactly a year since my last blog post!  OOPS!  So, not such a bad thing!  Pick up the pieces, dust yourself off, and move forward!


The bad thing is…. We have accomplish so much in the last year… and we forgot to tell you about it!  I would love to share some of our experiences from the last year, but time will be a determining factor, so no promises.  I will hopefully get better about blogging and keeping you up to date with what we are doing….


I hope you all have an amazing day!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Wed, 13 Mar 2013 09:06:00 GMT
Miss Kayla is a Graduating Senior!!!!! NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Graduating Seniors Portfolio Portraits graduation kayla Senior Senior Experience Tue, 06 Mar 2012 12:10:41 GMT
New Business Plan; check out these prices!!! NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

We are soooo excited to introduce a whole new way of doing business!  We have listened to our customers and are bringing changes to better meet your photographic needs!  In an all new pricing structure, there are NO HIDDEN FEES!  there is NO GUESSING what you will owe!  there is NO WONDERING what you are paying for!  In an all inclusive pricing structure you will be able to rest assured that the quality that you know and love is only going to improve as we become more efficient at what we do, and feel comfort in our pricing, selection, and ordering selection has been streamlined, so that you can get more of the products that you love at a price that is easier to on the pocketbook!

Stay tuned as a whole new company emerges over the next several months.  We are working around the clock to ensure that we will be here today, tomorrow, and in ten years to meet all of your photographic needs!

Here is a list of our new print prices!!!!  Who can beat this!


At these prices you can purchase prints for ALL of your friends and family!!!

This is NOT a joke!    

Unfortunately we are not able to honor new print prices with past portrait sessions.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Business general information Investment Pricing Tue, 06 Mar 2012 07:05:53 GMT
FHS Winterfest NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Dances Events Fernley Nv Wed, 15 Feb 2012 10:02:54 GMT
Baby “O”, 9 Months NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Say hello to Baby “O”!  He was so funny this time around.  We have had the pleasure of doing his 1st year photos and cannot believe he is already 9 month!  I still remember his new born session!  The personality on him is priceless!  Thanks mom and dad, and grandma icon_smile for always supporting us!



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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Portraits Baby Fernley Nv photographer Thu, 12 Jan 2012 13:03:22 GMT
Kristin, NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Meet Kristin!  What a natural beauty she is!  We had so much fun during her Elite Senior Session!  Kristin is super smart and has big dreams for the future, it was so awesome getting to know her and spending time with her!  I cant wait for her to view the rest of her images!  Thanks so much Kristin! icon_smile



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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Graduating Seniors Portraits Fernley Nv Senior Experience Thu, 12 Jan 2012 12:22:16 GMT
Baby “E” NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Check out this cute lil red head icon_smile   This is baby “E”  and we will be watching him change this next 9 months!  So excited to be a part of it icon_smile   Thanks mom and dad, and brother Bryson.  You guys are truley the greatest!



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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Portraits Baby Fernley Nv Wed, 04 Jan 2012 17:43:50 GMT
Investment Session fees:

Session fees cover the general expenses of creating your images. These fees do not cover photographers time, print purchases, or digital files.

Sessions run from $19.95 to $350.00. Sessions are based on the amount of time you spend with the photographer and are custom designed specifically for your needs. Outdoor sessions start at $100. Saturday appointments require an extra fee of $50 added to any session that you choose. Sunday appointments are available on a VERY limited basis (we need to spend time with our families too) an extra charge of $100 will be added to your session fee for those who do choose to hold your appointments on Sundays.

Print Prices:

Print prices run from $35.00 to $1500 on an ala-cart basis so that you may choose only the items that you want and need. There is a wide variety of sizes and additional products to choose from at a wide price range. All images are printed by a professional photo lab on archival quality professional paper. Each and every image is meticulously prepared for color balance, proper exposure, and minor imperfections and blemishes to offer the quality that you deserve.

Possible Extra Fees:

Mileage $.75 mile if traveling more than 45 miles from Fernley, NV.

Purchasing Commitment:

Northern Nevada Imaging does not impose a minimum purchase, however, we do ask for a purchasing commitment. This commitment is minimal and ensures that the artist that created your images receives a competitive hourly wage as well as pay any expenses associated with producing your final order

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Did you Know... Investment Pricing investment Tue, 06 Dec 2011 13:16:38 GMT
Service V Product: what are you paying for? Photography is a unique industry.  There is not an industry standard for what you are paying for.  Sometimes you pay for a service, sometimes you pay for a product, the styles vary, the quality varies, being clear and precise about what you are paying for and what you are getting are imperative to an equal business relationship.

Northern Nevada Imaging uses a service+ product pricing model built into a product menu.  What does this mean to you?  It means…. the price that you think that you should pay for an item may not be what we have to charge for that item.  It means that standard price comparison models are not effective.  It means that unless we are effective in communicating what we are charging for there may be a great difference in perspective.

One of the most common questions I get is how much is a 5×7?  how much is an 8×10?  We are unable to acuately answer this question.  I have a menu that gives me a general idea, however, first you will pay for the service, second you will pay for the piece of paper.  This is why a digital image is priced at $45.  There is no piece of paper however, there is a huge amount of service involved in creating that image.

We do what we do because we love it.  If a customer does not compensate us for the time that we invest in creating a product that you love, we will not be able to do what we love.

Northern Nevada Imaging is based on a working model so that you may enjoy our service not matter what your budget.  How do we accomplish such a feat without sacrificing quality?

1. We customize sessions to meet you needs.

2. We determine your needs prior to investing our time and talents.

3. We closely monitor all aspects of what is required to create a product for each and every customer.

4. We have built a simplified pricing model that includes all of the services needed to provide a custom product that meets all of your expectations without having to worry about hiden fees.


Working with Northern Nevada Imaging is an investment, your monetary investment must cover all of the services required to create your custom product.  The next time you would like to ask how much an 8×10 or 5×7 will cost, I can tell you, but it will not be an accurate estimate of how much you can expect to spend. 

Any gift print 8×10 or smaller or a digital image will cost the same amount, because it requires the same amount of time to create that item and the cost of the piece of paper is minimal compared to the cost of the service.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Did you Know... Investment Photographers Pricing Soni investment portraits pricing Sun, 04 Dec 2011 09:23:44 GMT
Fotographer Fridays…. I have SO many friends who are inspiring photographers I have a hard time keeping up with the questions, inquiries, and guidence for all of those who would are on the mission to being better photographers, to building a photography business, and all things related.  This will be a work in progress so if there is information that you would like me to cover please let me know.  I will be covering topics such as photography tips, for both tacking better personal pictures, and for inspiring professionals, Business practices, the ever ilusive pricing, business plans, marketing, social media, photoshop, sales, and hopefully more.  Look for the first installment on Friday January 6th, 2012.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Photographers Sat, 03 Dec 2011 07:00:03 GMT
Happy Christmas and Merry New Year. We haven’t had enough time lately to spend much time on the blog, that is a great thing!  Believe me it isn’t because we don’t love our readers, it is because our readers love us so much we have been working non-stop.  I feel like a little elf trying to get everyone’s christmas packages ready befor the big day.  I do believe that happy christmas and Merry new year much better describe this time of year for us.  We are happy that it is christmas, but we will be merrily celebrating the new year when it comes around!  I promise to share with you all of the great sessions that we have had in the last couple of weeks as soon as I slow down a little!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Did you Know... general information Soni Sat, 03 Dec 2011 06:31:04 GMT
Operation love photographer as seen on the today show! northern Nevada imaging is our erea’s only op love portrait photographer! Call for more information!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Op love Fri, 25 Nov 2011 07:15:27 GMT
Translation: You will receive all of your images on disc. Translation:
You will receive all of your images on a disc.

What the other guy won’t tell you:

When a photographer advertises that you will receive all of your images on disc after your session, for a very reasonalble low rate.  What they are really saying is “I don’t edit your images, I don’t look at photography as an art form, and the quality of Wal-mart prints is fitting to my style of photography”  You will either need to learn how to edit digital files, rely on an automated computer program to pick what it thinks MIGHT look best, or you will have to pay a diferent digital artist to enhance your images.

  What you should be looking for instead:

Look for a photographer that will meet all of your needs.  Offering a variety of products and services.  Professional prints on archivial paper, not only look better, but they will last a lifetime.  Purchasing digital images on an individual basis ensures that each image is given the care that it deserves.  Properly enhancing and editing 150 images will take the most apt photo editor a minimum of  1800 minutes.  Do you want to pay an artist responsible for creating your custom artwork $150 or $5 per hour?  The minimum wage hasn’t been $5 an hour since 1996.   National averages for a single edited image range from $25-$150 from reputable digital artists.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Did you Know... general information Investment Photo term Defenitions Thu, 24 Nov 2011 12:08:08 GMT
Translation: If you want the very best portraiture you have to come to us. Translation:
If you want the VERY BEST portraiture, we are your only option.

What the other guy won’t tell you:

When a photographer advertises that they are a the ”best” photographer for your needs it usually means, “ I don’t have a big enough portfolio for you to make the descision on your own merit.”  or “My photography is good, but my personal skills are a little lacking”

  What you should be looking for instead:

A photographer that matches your own personal style.  Every photographer has a different style and you need to look at countless images, not one or two to determine that they are the best photographer for your needs.  Base your choice of photographers on style compatability as well as personal compatiblity.

Photographers are as different as Picassa and Rembrant.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Did you Know... general information Photo term Defenitions Soni Tue, 22 Nov 2011 12:00:21 GMT
Translation: Natural Light, On-location Photographer Translation:
On-location, natural light photographer

What the other guy won’t tell you:

When a photographer advertises that they are a ”on-location, natural light photographer” it usually means, “ I don’t have a studio, and I don’t have any professional lighting equipment.”

  What you should be looking for instead:

A photographer that will meet all of your photography needs no matter what the situation is.  Your photographer should be competent at Studio portraiture and on-location portraiture and have the equipment to accomplish both, and be competent at using available light, and knowing how and when to enhance lighting paterns.  Your photographer should know how to take professional quality portraits in low light conditions, in the middle of the day in bright light conditions, and in a studio environment, to name a few.


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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Did you Know... Photo term Defenitions photographer Portrait Sun, 20 Nov 2011 11:48:58 GMT
Baby T NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Baby T had a nap in the middle of our session and woke up with a smile on his face!!!!!  Amazing images!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Portraits Baby Fernley NV photographer Fri, 18 Nov 2011 23:17:36 GMT
Ronnie’s Senior Experience NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

What a handsom young man!  I had a great time with you guys!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Graduating Seniors Portraits Fernely NV photographer Portrait Senior Fri, 18 Nov 2011 22:17:44 GMT
Yarsley Family NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

I had such an amazing time with this family!  I met them the first time several years ago when I was doing senior pictures for their daughter, today she is all grown up!  The pictures turned out amazing, and the homeowners were SO gracious to share their home with us!  I can’t say thank you enough!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Families Portraits Family Fernley NV photographer Fri, 18 Nov 2011 16:32:28 GMT
<no title> NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Check out these adorable pictures!!! Big baby blues and an even bigger personality(:

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The post appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Portraits child Fernley NV photographer Fri, 18 Nov 2011 13:17:57 GMT
Chelsea Senior experience NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

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The post Chelsea Senior experience appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Graduating Seniors Portraits Fernley photographer Senior Spanish Springs High School Wed, 16 Nov 2011 20:37:00 GMT
Miller Family NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Meet the Miller’s!  I cant tell you how much fun we had this weekend with this family!  Talk about a crack up!  Not to mention how photogenic you all are!  Thank you so much Miller family for being a “frequent flyer” with us!  You have been a HUGE part of our success!


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The post Miller Family appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Families Portraits Family Fernley Nv photographer Wed, 16 Nov 2011 13:51:20 GMT
Northern Nevada Imaging Celebrates two years! We have been so busy that I didn’t even realize that we  skimmed right over our second year aniversary without even a hicup!   Our friends and family have made this all possible!   The friends that we have met, I don’t know of a single client that has not become a lifelong friend, the friends that have been with us from the beginning (before Northern Nevada Imaging) when we weren’t even sure which way to point a camera, and the communities surrounding us are amazing!!!!!!

I look forward to another 20 years!  We have great plans for the upcoming year.  A new and improved Boudoir program, more digital products, more customized products, new baby and infant programs, new “frequent flier” miles, and additional photographers so that we can better serve our customers, and more office staff so that we can offer more personalized service for you “customized” photo experience!  The start of this holiday season is the start of our third year and we couldn’t be more pumped up about the possibilities that it has brought!

The post Northern Nevada Imaging Celebrates two years! appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Did you Know... general information NV photographer Mon, 14 Nov 2011 06:27:12 GMT
Baby “K” is 1! NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Baby “K” has been with us since he was just a week old!!  Cannot believe he is 1!!!  We always have a blast when he comes in and this time was no exception!  He loved his cake so much, he was mad when we were done!  Thank you Mom and Dad for spending his first year with us! icon_smile


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The post Baby “K” is 1! appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) 1st Birthday Cake Session Babies and Children Portraits Baby Fernley Nevada photographer Thu, 10 Nov 2011 17:38:03 GMT
Baby “J”, Fernley Nv, New Born Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Meet sweet baby “J”!  Mom and Dad said they were worried about him being fussy (being 11 days old) and he was totally opposite!  We had so much fun with all the different hats and props!  This little guy was the perfect angel!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Portraits Wed, 09 Nov 2011 14:13:51 GMT
Cody, Fallon, NV Senior Portrait Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Thank you Cody we had an amazing time!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Graduating Seniors Portraits Wed, 09 Nov 2011 09:28:13 GMT
Sacramento Portrait Party, Sacramento CA Portrait Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

We had the pleasure of hosting a portrait party this last weekend!  The organizer receives a free session and credit to purchase additional prints just for getting  a group of her friends together!!!!   We had an amazing day, and the organizer is getting SO much free stuff!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Events Families Portraits Family Portrait Sacramento Wed, 09 Nov 2011 09:12:01 GMT
Cody’s Senior Experience, Fallon NV Senior Portrait Artist NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

We were able to visit Fallon NAS last week for Cody’s senior portraits!  We were able to capture some amazing images!


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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Graduating Seniors Portraits Fallon Senior Mon, 07 Nov 2011 15:51:50 GMT
“C” Family Kids; Fernley, NV Childrens photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

I had the pleasure of seeing the “C” family kids late last week!  They always make me smile and I have such a great time with them.  I hope they are able to make the perfect holiday card with the images from this session!

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The post “C” Family Kids; Fernley, NV Childrens photographer appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Families Portraits children holidays studio Mon, 07 Nov 2011 15:20:49 GMT
Studio Rental, Northern Nevada Portrait Studio I am excited to announce that Northern Nevada Imaging is now listing it’s studio available for rent for other photographers!  If you are a photographer and do not have a studio of your own you may rent our studio for your own personal use…..  Check it out!

The post Studio Rental, Northern Nevada Portrait Studio appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Business Did you Know... Events general information Investment Portraits Pricing studio Rentatl Mon, 07 Nov 2011 07:42:30 GMT
Ashley, Fernley Nv, Portrait Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Meet Ashley!  This beautiful young lady came to us wanting to do a vintage/Audrey Hepburn type photo session!  We had soooo much fun with this idea, and it was hard to get a bad shot of her!  Thank you Ashley and Susan for coming to see me icon_smile


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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Portraits Wed, 02 Nov 2011 12:00:35 GMT
Lindquist Family, Fernley Nv, Family Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

I Had the extreme pleasure of hanging out with this amazing family on Saturday!  Mom, Dad and miss princess, you were a BLAST to photograph!  So glad you came to us, and thank you for making my job easy! icon_smile


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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Families Portraits Tue, 01 Nov 2011 17:15:22 GMT
Hailey C… Fernley, NV Senior Portrait Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

I met Hailey last week-end and am just getting a chance to post a sneak peak.  She is beautiful, has an amazing yard, and I can’t wait to do the next two set of her three season senior portrait experience!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Graduating Seniors Portfolio Portraits Fernley outdoor Senior Tue, 01 Nov 2011 10:19:41 GMT
Kahn Family, Fernley Nv, Family Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Had so much fun with this cute lil family last week!  What personality they all have icon_smile   Here are just a few of my fave’s.  It was soooo hard to pick!  Hope you smile while looking at these, just as I did.

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The post Kahn Family, Fernley Nv, Family Photographer appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Families Portraits Wed, 26 Oct 2011 16:54:22 GMT
Christmas Card Event, NV Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.


The time is here, call and schedule your  mini Christmas Card Session for November 17th !   Session and 24 Christmas cards for $50.  Plus get an additional 25 Cards for $25.  Special one time packages available with your Christmas Card order.  We have limited sessions available so call ASAP. 575-2138

The post Christmas Card Event, NV Photographer appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Wed, 26 Oct 2011 14:10:26 GMT
Tayler Senior Experience, Fernley Nv, Graduating Senior Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Check out these pics of beautiful miss Tayler!!  It was time for her Senior experience with us!  We had a blast, and it was hard getting a bad photo of her!  What an amazing young lady with the whole world in her hand!! Good luck Tayler!!  We know you will do great things!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Graduating Seniors Portraits Tue, 25 Oct 2011 15:11:57 GMT
Baby “K”, Fernley Nv, Baby Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

This is Baby “K”!  With the longest eye lashes ever icon_smile   This is the third time we have had the pleasure of seeing her!  She definitely has a personality of her own!  Love seeing her big blue eyes when she comes to see us! Enjoy!


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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Tue, 25 Oct 2011 12:25:12 GMT
Baby “L”, Fernley Nv, Baby photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Meet Baby “L”  He is also part of our “babies 1st year” club!  He has a blast everytime he comes in!  He has the cutest smile in the world and has changed so much since we first saw him at 2 weeks old.  Cant wait to see what he looks like at one year! icon_smile


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The post Baby “L”, Fernley Nv, Baby photographer appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Tue, 25 Oct 2011 11:36:46 GMT
Fernley High School Homecoming 2011 NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

We had a great time at the dance.  Thank you again for letting us be part of such a special evening!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Dances Events High School Sports Tue, 18 Oct 2011 15:35:30 GMT
Dayton Pizza Party! NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Had a BLAST at the Dayton Pizza Factory!  We were there doing a meet and greet display!  Also, you still have time to enter to win an Elite senior session with us!  You can get your entry forms at the Dayton Pizza Factory.  Thanks again Lindsey and Kent for letting crash your place icon_smile   We appreciate you guys!


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The post Dayton Pizza Party! appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Promotional Tue, 18 Oct 2011 14:17:21 GMT
Baby “b”, Fernley, NV Newborn Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Here is another little one captured by our photographer in training!  She did an amazing job, and this little one made her job soooo easy!  Can’t wait until our little photographer is a full fledged photographer!  Would love to be an assistant for her any time!  Now, if I can teach her how to do some editing we will be in a lot better shape!

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The post Baby “b”, Fernley, NV Newborn Photographer appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Newborns Portfolio Portraits Fri, 14 Oct 2011 17:01:48 GMT
I and A, Fernley, NV baby photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

“I” and “A” turn one!  What a great day with these two little ones!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) 1st Birthday Cake Session Babies and Children Portfolio Portraits Thu, 13 Oct 2011 12:45:29 GMT
Rudd Kids, Fernley Nv, Child Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Now, these kids are a crack up!!!  They definitely get it from their mother icon_smile   We have had the pleasure of photographing these kids many times and ALWAYS enjoy their company!  Thank you for endless support Shana icon_smile


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The post Rudd Kids, Fernley Nv, Child Photographer appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Portraits Thu, 13 Oct 2011 12:21:13 GMT
Chaffin Real Estate Service, Fernley Nv, Business Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Meet Lee Anne!!  We had the pleasure of having her in the studio last week!  She owns Chaffin Real Estate Services here in Fernley!  What a wonderful woman to work with!  And we had a blast visiting and getting some fun shots for her business cards and website icon_smile   Thanks Lee Anne!



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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Business Portraits Thu, 13 Oct 2011 11:25:55 GMT
Baby “M”…. Fernley, NV baby photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Check out this little cutie….  Out photographer in training took these!  I think she did an amazing job!  Congratulations on your little bundle of joy!

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The post Baby “M”…. Fernley, NV baby photographer appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Newborns Portfolio Portraits Tue, 11 Oct 2011 19:49:04 GMT
Baby “O”, Fernley Nv, Baby photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

This is Baby “O”!!  We have had the pleasure of watching him grow as well!  What a little cutie he was durring our session!  Not to mention happy as a peach!  We just love seeing him come through the studio!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Portraits Tue, 11 Oct 2011 13:29:40 GMT
Baby “E”, Fernley Nv, New born photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Remember the Stapleton family?  We blogged about a maternity session we had with them in August.  Look who has finally arrived!!!!  Baby “E”!  We were so excited to finally meet him.  The biggest new born feet I have ever seen icon_smile   Cant wait to see him grow through each session we have with him!  Thank you again Stapletons icon_smile


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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Newborns Portraits Sat, 08 Oct 2011 14:04:50 GMT
Koen…. Fernley, NV Children Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Check out the new composites available!   What a cutie.  Great way to comemorate your two year old’s birthday!


The post Koen…. Fernley, NV Children Photographer appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Families Portfolio Portraits Fri, 07 Oct 2011 18:02:23 GMT
Family… Fallon, NV Family Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

I love this family!  I had a great time and thank you for inviting me to your families home!

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The post Family… Fallon, NV Family Photographer appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Families Portfolio Portraits Fri, 07 Oct 2011 16:45:04 GMT
Dayton Meet and Greet, NV Senior Photographers NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Come meet the staff of Northern Nevada Imaging, and learn what we do.  Schedule a mini consultation or your professional portrait session.  Enter to win an Elite Senior Portrait Experience Session!  Entry forms are at Pizza Factory in Dayton.  We are looking forward to meeting you.  20110929_0059_Benamati-2-200x300 20110910_0105_Kaitlyn-199x300

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Fri, 07 Oct 2011 14:14:41 GMT
Halloween Portraits!!! NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Join us for a night of ghouls and goblins and help support our local food bank.  Donate a non-perishable food item and receive a free 4×6 halloween print of your little one, or yourself!  Additional prints and packages will be available at discounted rates.  Please contact us at the studio for more information.  No appointment necessary, first come, first served.

halloween-flier-2011-234x300   One free print per person.  4×6 prints available while you wait.  Additional prints and packages will be available 2-3 weeks after the event.  Facebook/profile images additional charge.

The post Halloween Portraits!!! appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Events Halloween Monthly Studio Events Fri, 07 Oct 2011 11:59:24 GMT
A Step Ahead Primary School, Fernley Nv, School and Sports Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

We cannot tell you enough how much we enjoy all of the kiddies at A Step Ahead Primary School!!  What an amazing group of students and teachers!  Here is a little sneak peak…We just love them! icon_smile  


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The post A Step Ahead Primary School, Fernley Nv, School and Sports Photographer appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Events Pre Schools Wed, 05 Oct 2011 15:13:14 GMT
Charlie, Fernley Nv, Baby photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.


We have been so busy, not only with our sports and school photos but with our studio portraiture as well!!  Had so much fun with little miss Charlie icon_smile   Talk about adorable!  My 4 year old decided he would assist me on this one.  He was perfect for making Charlie laugh!  Needless to say, we had an absolute BLAST!  Here are some of my faves!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Portraits Wed, 05 Oct 2011 14:57:17 GMT
Playing with Fire, Fernley, NV Senior Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Just had to share!  Thought I had a tough job, then…. I had to play with fire!


The post Playing with Fire, Fernley, NV Senior Photographer appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Graduating Seniors Portfolio Portraits Fri, 30 Sep 2011 16:09:27 GMT
Group Photography V Custom Portraiture It has come to my attention that recently we did not get a youth sports contract because our custom portraiture prices were too expensive.  We strive to provide the best possible products no matter the situation or subject.  However, different types of photography require different types of pay scales.  We would love to have standard pricing throughout our business but it is not feasible.  For example, we would not be able to charge $15 for an 8×10 print of an image that took us 3 hours to create.  Every situation is unique, what equipment was used, what type of man hours were required to create the image, etc.

I know that it is far more economical for our customers to print their images at local mass merchants, however, if you paid that national mass merchant for all of the work that we do…. we would not be in business.  Yes, buying digital negatives is an expensive option, however if we sold you a disc of images for say $50 it would not cover the time and expense of creating those images and providing the equipment necessary to capture those images.  We also do not feel that the quality of printing at the nation mass merchants is a quality that we want to promote our business.  If you have any questions about this, please feel free to stop by the studio and see several samples.

To set the record straight… a disc of images at Northern Nevada Imaging does NOT cost $1000.  You will be expected to pay for our time and the use of our equipment.  We are not in the business of getting rich from your purchase, but we do expect to be paid for our time.  We love our jobs, and if we do not get paid we will have to go get real jobs where somebody is willing to pay us for the time we spend there.

I don’t want to sound rash, I just want to clarify that there is a huge misconception about photography and the associated expenses of such.  If it were so easy everyone would be a photographer.  I know what we do looks easy, anyone can push a button on a camera, but it takes an artist to create a great image.

Thank everyone who chooses to be our customers, and thank you for understanding that we put everything we have into creating great images for you!


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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Did you Know... general information Investment Pricing Soni Wed, 28 Sep 2011 19:37:31 GMT
Digital Creations NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Have you ever wondered what you could do with your professional portraits?  The photographers at Northern Nevada Imaging are not only photographers, but talented designers as well.  They will create custum pieces of art for you to display your precious keepsakes.  If we do not have a product designed that will match your vision, we will create a custom piece of artwork for you.DSC4973ed-300x200 01atilepagecolor-300x300 11-295x300 5x7announcementfront-300x214 5x7-senior-1-214x300 5x10-300x150 10x10gen1_edited-1-300x283 10x20-300x150 alex4x6-300x214 Amber-Poster-240x300 announcement-300x214 bradcomp1-300x240 bri16x20comp-300x240 card-3-4x8-n-8_0x4_1-20-Q01-300x154 card-back-300x214 Cheri1-300x155 comp2-300x200 ElijahSquares1-300x300 Frankie-card-back-214x300 Frankie-grad-card-300x212 golf-300x240 highschool-card-300x217 Jamie1-300x150 kodney-300x150 kyla-poster-200x300 layla-200x300 logan10x205-300x150 Luna1-300x240 Nicoleed-300x150 poster1-300x150 poster3-300x150 ring-composite-300x200 ringcomp21-200x300 samplexmas-card-copy-300x150 sevysoftball-300x240 Shirlee1-150x300 temp2-300x300 umbrella-300x150 Untitled-71-300x151 Untitled-11-300x231 Untitled-21-300x231 wes-composite-236x300 willow-300x150

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) 1st Birthday Cake Session Babies and Children Graduating Seniors Newborns Portfolio Portraits Thu, 22 Sep 2011 17:01:11 GMT
Group Sports NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Events High School Sports Portfolio Portraits Youth Sports Thu, 22 Sep 2011 16:54:15 GMT
Families NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

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The post Families appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Families Portfolio Portraits Thu, 22 Sep 2011 16:28:37 GMT
Baby “T”, Fernley, NV Baby Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Check out baby “T”  I don’t even know what to say about him!!!  He is so cute!  Happy and content, the life of a three month old!  It would have been a little nicer if the studio wasn’t 100′ that day…. icon_sad   The images still turned out great!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Families Newborns Portfolio Portraits Thu, 22 Sep 2011 13:44:32 GMT
Graduating Seniors NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

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The post Graduating Seniors appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Graduating Seniors Portfolio Portraits Wed, 21 Sep 2011 15:42:35 GMT
Maudi, Fernley, NV Senior Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

I would like you to meet Maudi!  She is an amazing girl one of the girls we have selected to be our senior representative at Fernley High School.  She will be coming back to see us in a couple of months.  If you would like a special deal for your senior portraits, go visit Maudi for a referal card!

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The post Maudi, Fernley, NV Senior Photographer appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Graduating Seniors Portraits Wed, 21 Sep 2011 12:56:52 GMT
Babies, Children and Maternity NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

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The post Babies, Children and Maternity appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Families Newborns Portfolio Portraits Wed, 21 Sep 2011 12:06:54 GMT
Kaitlyn, Fernley, NV Graduating Senior Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Meet Kaitlyn!  We had an amazing time taking her senior portraits last week….  Leave it to me to find a huge pile of ants, right where I thought the perfect picture would be!  We will be seeing Kaitlyn again this winter, and then again in the spring to make it whole year senior experience!  I can’t wait to get some amazing images in the snow!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Graduating Seniors Portfolio Portraits Soni Tue, 20 Sep 2011 14:53:52 GMT
Addison Turns 9 Months, Fernley Nv Baby Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

We have had the pleasure of seeing Addison every 3 months since she was born.  My has she changed, and what a joy it has been for us to see those changes first hand.  What a beautiful little baby she is!  Cant wait for her Cake Session in December!  Thanks always for allowing us to be your photographer Angie & Dave!  We just love you guys!  It was so hard to pick just a couple photos as you can see icon_smile

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Portraits Tue, 13 Sep 2011 11:56:36 GMT
Thank you…. It has been a while since I have let me fingers do the walking, so I thought I might for a minute or two.  I want to take the opportunity to thank those who make my life what it is!

I am so blessed in my life, I have friends, and clients who have become friends, family and a community that is wonderful!  Life is sometimes tough, days are sometimes tough, for everybody.  It is a great comfort to know that we have a support system in place.

If I can give back to those who have given to me I will do so with warmth in my heart!  I wish that I could be there for those who have been there for me and touch the lives of those who need support.  One day at a time, one stranger at a time, one child at a time, one minute at a time… it warms my heart!

Remember, you are a beautiful soul: You are an important part of our “community”: without you, none of this would be possible!  Smile from the bottom of your toes, welcome a stranger into your life,  look past people’s hard outer shell, create a strong community to enrich your own life!!!!

I love you all and thank you for enriching my life!  Even when we have tough times, or don’t see eye to eye you are still giving me the gift of learning and growing!

Take this day, and make the difference in a strangers life as you have made a difference in my life!  Thank you.

The post Thank you…. appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) general information Soni Fri, 09 Sep 2011 08:02:10 GMT
Baby “E” turns one, Fernley, NV Baby Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Check out baby “E”  oh-my!  He was so precious!  Check out the cake that his aunty made him!  I sure do wish that the cat in the hat had helped me turn one!


The post Baby “E” turns one, Fernley, NV Baby Photographer appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) 1st Birthday Cake Session Babies and Children Portraits Wed, 07 Sep 2011 16:10:05 GMT
FYFL Action, Fernley Nv Sports Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Check out these little guys on the FHS football field!  Took action shots for FYFL last Saturday.  To view and purchase the photos you can go to Call the studio for the gallery password 775-575-2138.



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The post FYFL Action, Fernley Nv Sports Photographer appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Action Sports Events Wed, 07 Sep 2011 13:27:36 GMT
Stapleton Maternity, Fernley Nv Maternity Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Had the pleasure of spending time with this amazing little family a couple weeks ago,  who is getting ready to welcome baby Eastin into this world!  Thank you so much Shani, Steve, Bryson and baby Eastin for letting me share in thesespecial moments with you!  You are some amazing friends icon_smile   Love you!


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The post Stapleton Maternity, Fernley Nv Maternity Photographer appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Families Portraits Tue, 06 Sep 2011 13:40:18 GMT
A Step Ahead Preschool, Fernley, NV School Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.


The post A Step Ahead Preschool, Fernley, NV School Photographer appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Events Pre Schools School Portraits Wed, 31 Aug 2011 14:16:33 GMT
Dayton High School Sports Portraits, Dayton School and Sport Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.


The post Dayton High School Sports Portraits, Dayton School and Sport Photographer appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Events High School Sports School Portraits Youth Sports Wed, 31 Aug 2011 14:15:13 GMT
Back to school event. Fernley, NV School Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.


The post Back to school event. Fernley, NV School Photographer appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Events High School Sports Monthly Studio Events School Portraits Wed, 31 Aug 2011 14:13:07 GMT
Back to School Portrait Event, Northern NV Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Come to our Back to School Portrait Event.  Don’t settle for expensive packages, or pictures that you didn’t pick out.  Call the studio to schedule your free session that includes a viewing of the images taken of your child.  Our event will be on Sept. 20th and 22nd from 3pm to 7pm. Cant wait to see you!!!20110817_1097_back-to-schoolb-199x300 20110817_1104_back-to-schoolb1-199x300

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Events Monthly Studio Events School Portraits Tue, 30 Aug 2011 12:19:19 GMT
Baby “F” turns one!!!!! Fernley, NV Baby Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

We first met baby “F” when she was only 9 days old!  I can not believe it has been a whole year!  I had a great time at the park with this amazing family.  You are great and thank you for everything you are!  The images were so great I couldn’t decide on just a couple!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) 1st Birthday Cake Session Babies and Children Events Families Portraits Fri, 26 Aug 2011 17:33:02 GMT
Jolynn, Fernley, NV Realtor Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Jolynn came in to visit us recently and she is a doll. Unfortunately I was trying to cook her out of the studio, I think it was 100′ back there! It was crazy!  So glad she was a good sport about it!  Her images for her new business cards turned out beautiful!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Business Portraits Promotional Fri, 26 Aug 2011 17:01:32 GMT
Dance Team, Fernley, NV Sports Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

The FHS Dance team came in to visit us today!  Look how amazing their team portaits turned out!!!!!  Thank you girls! poster1dancePreview-300x150 poster2dancePreview-300x150 poster3dancePreview-300x150

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Dances Events High School Sports Youth Sports Fri, 26 Aug 2011 14:57:11 GMT
FYFL, Northern NV Sports Photographer So I picked the worst possible image to put up:( Please forgive me, I didn’t have my bi-focals on…hahahahaha!

The post FYFL, Northern NV Sports Photographer appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Thu, 25 Aug 2011 12:09:57 GMT
FYFL Action Shots, Northern NV Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

We wanted you all to know that we will be at FHS all day Saturday taking action shots for FYFL. We will also be offering Fun Photos at our tent, so come by and say HEY:) And if you a thirsty photographer on the sidelines, offer then up a bottle of water! See you then Ferney Youth Football League.


The post FYFL Action Shots, Northern NV Photographer appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Thu, 25 Aug 2011 10:51:36 GMT
MacKenzie, Fernley Nv child photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Check out this little cutie!  She loves to dance and was so excited to do so in front of the camera icon_smile Thank you MacKenzie, you are an angel!10x20-300x150

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Portraits Tue, 23 Aug 2011 12:17:54 GMT
You have a choice, Fernley, NV Senior Portrait Photographer You have choice who takes your senior portraits.  Over the next couple of days contract photographers will be visiting your high schools to take senior portraits.  They may make you feel as though you “have” to use them to take your senior portraits.  In Fernley you must use the contract photographer if you want your portrait in the year book, but you DO NOT have to take any other poses, you DO NOT have to pay them $15, you DO NOT have to buy a package from them.  You may use any photographer that you want.  Don’t let the contract photographer bully you into thinking that you HAVE to take portraits with them!!!!


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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Did you Know... general information Graduating Seniors Investment Portraits Pricing Tue, 23 Aug 2011 07:35:17 GMT
Backdrops- Fernley, NV- Portrait Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

New arrivals at Northern Nevada Imaging…. Check out our new backdrops!  Thanks Goldie for your help in creating them.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Bands Graduating Seniors Portfolio Portraits Promotional Fri, 19 Aug 2011 14:31:04 GMT
Northern NV Senior Portrait Photographer We just met an amazing young lady, Kaitlyn Bretschgi, and we cant wait to make her Senior Portrait Experience everything she wants it to be. We will see you in Sept Kaitlyn!!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Fri, 19 Aug 2011 14:08:30 GMT
Junior Rodeo, NV Event Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

20110716_0158_Junior_Rodeo_SP-200x300 20110716_0097_Junior_Rodeo_SP-200x300 Hey there all you cowboys and cowgirls, Junior Rodeo images will back on line tomorrow until August 31st. We would love to hear your comments on line, or on facebook.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Fri, 19 Aug 2011 09:23:04 GMT
Keagan is 9 Monts! Ferney, Nv baby photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Just love this family!  And Keagan is always a crack up icon_smile 20110811_1106_Keagan-9-monthsed_edited-1-300x205 20110811_1121_Keagan-9-monthsed_edited-1-234x300 keagan-300x240

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Portraits Thu, 18 Aug 2011 16:24:05 GMT
Back to school event, Fernley, NV School Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Did you know you have a choice for school portraits?  Our Back to school event has gone great today!  Thank you to everyone who participated!  Stay tuned for more events!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Events School Portraits Wed, 17 Aug 2011 17:12:03 GMT
Jaycee! Fernley, Nv Graduating Senior Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Congrats to Miss Jaycee Robertson!  Not only is she Graduating from Fernley High School in the Spring of 2012, but she was selected to be a Northern Nevada Imaging Senior Ambassador!!  We have had the pleasure of Taking Jaycee’s photos before and were thrilled when she submitted her application with us! Jaycee is a VERY accomplished young woman and we see GREAT things to come her way in the future.  Thank you so much Jaycee and Mom Denise!  We love you guys!  If anyone has questions or would like info about our senior ambassador program, just scroll down the blog or call us at the studio 775-575-2138!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Graduating Seniors Portraits Wed, 17 Aug 2011 14:57:23 GMT
Baby “L”, Fernley, NV Baby Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

I had the pleasure of meeting baby “L” last week!  He was such a doll!  I REALLY love his lashes!  I don’t think I could buy enough Latice for lashes like those!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Portraits Wed, 17 Aug 2011 14:20:10 GMT
Thanks for the plug. Fernley, NV Photographer I want to send out a special thank you to the UNR professor who presented at today’s Chamber luncheon.  Recognizing our website/blog was amazing.  Thank you for the support of The Chamber of Commerce of Fernley and UNR!  What a great business community we have in Fernley!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) general information Wed, 17 Aug 2011 13:51:29 GMT
note about time NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

I don’t know where I went with that last post.  It seems my thoughts carry me from thought to thought and I don’t even realize where I have gone.

I missed an appointment on Saturday.  I feel horrible about it.  I did it to myself, and forget that as a business owner it is not ok to be human.  I have been troubled about it all day.  I over extended myself, I can’t say that I double booked myself, just that I had over extended myself.  I was in one place 45 minutes away, an hour before my scheduled appointment, and instead of killing myself to get there, I called and asked to move it back further in the day.  Time… it is all about time.  I am devistated that, that potential customer will not give me the opportunity to serve them because I chose to ask for more time. 

It is times like these when I wish I lived in India.  Appointments in India are held in weekly intervals.  If I say that I will be there Tuesday of next week,  I could show up any time between Monday and Friday and no-one would be put out.  Ok, that really is a little extreme.  Time is valueable.  I really do hate when people are not where they are supposed to be when they are supposed to be there, but… I called.  I asked for a couple of hours extra…. icon_sad   I didn’t know that it would cost me a job. 

I truely am sorry if I let any of you down because my punctuallity is broken…. but I will do my best to let you know that I will be late.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Soni Wed, 03 Aug 2011 22:23:34 GMT
Fernley, Nv Pet Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Can you believe this adorable doggies name is Satan icon_smile   We had him in the studio today and he was the complete opposite of his name!


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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Tue, 02 Aug 2011 16:35:19 GMT
Time Time is a wonder to me.  I don’t really understand how I am supposed to get everything done that I am supposed to get done.  It seems as though advances in technology are supposed to free up more time, but us humanoids have figured out how to fill every extra minute that we have.  There used to be not enough time to do things because people were working in fields, cooking food, creating heat, and building shelter.  Today, our food comes from the stores, the food is prepared when we buy it, heat comes from the furnace, and the houses are built in mass production.  There is even somebody else to do the yard work if we want. 

My thoughts keep going back to childhood memories.  We used to play in the fields, have ball games in the middle of the streets, and visit with far away family for weeks on end.  Nothing like what our children know.  As a young mother I gave up on the idealistic notion that I should sit on the floor and play with my children, not that I wouldn’t, I just didn’t think that it would make or break them.  I don’t think that George Washington’s mother sat on the floor with him for countless hours so that he would have the upper hand in school. 

This goes on to my life as a mother of pre-teens and teens.  When did sports become the key to making the world go round.  Not that I don’t want my children to participate, but at what point will  we (as a people) find balance?  I am sure that Babe Ruth didn’t play baseball for 9 months of the year for 2 hours a day so that he could become one of baseballs all time greats.  When was the last time you saw a group of boys in an empty field playing ball, just because they wanted to?  They learned social skills, they learned about democracy, they learned to be honest, and they learned that they had to work for what they wanted because that was the children’s social order amongst themselves.  There were no coaches, there was no referee, and the rules were often made up during the game.  If you didn’t make it, you didn’t make it because of what ever reason, and you learned from the experience.

What is the world of organized children’s sports bringing to our children?  It is bringing them team building, it is keeping them active, it is teaching them to play well with others.  What else is it teaching our children?  Every child gets to play.  This is a lesson that I don’t know if I want my children to have.  It does not matter how hard you play.  It doesn’t matter if you are punctual.  It doesn’t matter if you miss practices.  It doesn’t matter if you throw a fit and sit on the sidelines.  You still get to play.  How does this translate into real life?  “You get a job, and show up, you get a paycheck”  doesn’t matter how hard you work, doesn’t matter how well you do your job, if you show up you deserve a paycheck, and if your boss decides to fire you, it is okay, because the government is waiting right behing the boss with a paycheck just in case.

The schools are teaching our children lessons that are just as great.  The public school system has been teaching our children that they need to go to college in order to get a good job.  You need to be a doctor, or a lawer, or an executive in order to be successful.  Wait just a minute, I am not a doctor, or a lawer, or an executive and I think that I have been pretty successful in my life.  I would love for my children to be successful as adults, I would love for them to go to college as well, but I want them to find a job that they are passionate about, or they are good at, I don’t want them to think they are failures because that is what a school system has told them for the last ten years.  Benjamin Franklin didn’t go to college, I don’t know of ANYONE that would say that he did not succeed.  Our schools have removed the arts or cut them to bare bones because of funding.  Every child is not a math genious or a science wizard, no amount of pushing will create those features within every child.  I bet that every one of you could name more artists than mathematicians or scientist put together.  What happened to being successful being gauged by being able to provide for your family: to being succesful, being able to put food on the table and a roof over your head?  The schools have taught our children that if they earn an honest living by cleaning toilets or sweeping floors that they are not successful.  There is a whole generation that would rather collect money from the government than to put in an honest days work.  They don’t have to worry about bellies being hungary or having a roof over their heads, because those are rights provided by our government.

I believe in helping people in need, but I really want to be able to teach my children that they have to work for what they get.  The schools, organized sports, and society is making it really difficult to give those values to my children.

As I have rambled this fine evening I don’t think my post has much to do with time….. except it has taken up quite a bit of mine that I don’t have much of.


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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Soni Tue, 26 Jul 2011 22:22:37 GMT
Life according to Soni I ran into my cousin the other day and he was so busy ”philosophifying” that I didn’t have a chance to get a word in edge wise.  He was busy fixing the worlds problems.  I wish that I had 30 minuts a day to share my “philosophying” process with you.  I think I could save all of the worlds problems.

Some of the topics that have been bouncing around in my little head…. (1) you get what you pay for, (2) slow life down, (3) No child left behind has left every child behind.  I am sure there are more just not at my finger tips right now.

I know that many of my ramblings have to do with my frusterations with work, I don’t do it because I like to wine, I just think that much of it is lack of information.  If I take it on as a personal mission to educate the world will you follow me?  JK. 

I don’t know if we will make it through the tough ecconomy, the tough industry, the tough social battle.  I noticed a post on facebook yesterday from one of my customers how proud that they were that they found a photographer on the “cheap”.  All I could think was you get what you pay for.  I hope that the memories that you want to preserve for that day are preserved in a way that gives them justice.  I know, I am one of the fools that has “snap shots” of my wedding instead of professional wedding photos.  It makes me sad 20 years later that I don’t have the images to trigger memories from one of the most important days of my life.  Maybe people don’t realise how important it is because the average marage only lasts for 5 years, but I would pay anything to go back to that day and get those images that only reside in my memory.

My feelings also get hurt.  Every photographer provides different services.  I charge a fair amount for my services.  It may seem like more because you only look at the bottom line, but if you actually looked at an apples to apples comparison, our per hour fees for total work completed is drastically less than most of the competition.  Do you want a Yugo or a Mercedes?  Please do not ask me to sell you a Mercedes for the price of a Yugo.  Please do not belittle me because I think that my children need milk.

If anyone wants to see the “snap shots” from my wedding because my mom thought it was so cool to save a couple of bucks I would be happy to share with you.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) general information Soni Tue, 26 Jul 2011 07:25:29 GMT
Fernley Junior Rodeo, Fernley, NV Event Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

We had an amazing time at the Fernley Junior Rodeo this last week end.  We got some great images to share and learned a lot about PeeWee rodeo!  Thank you FJR for letting us be a part of your event.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Action Sports Events Rodeo Youth Sports Action Fernley Junior NV Wed, 20 Jul 2011 08:58:32 GMT
Fernley Junior Rodeo Here we come. NNI will be at the Fernley Junior Rodeo July 16th and 17th.  Images will be available for one day only.  Stop by our booth on Sunday to check out our action shots!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Events Rodeo Youth Sports Sat, 16 Jul 2011 06:02:42 GMT
We will work for free All session fee’s collected in the month of July will be donated to one of our long time clients road to remission.  100% of these session fees will be donated to help cover expenses associated with radiation treatments.

Session does not need to be held in the month of July.  You may pay for your session in July and hold it any time in the next 90 days.  All sessions are elligable for this offer.  You may give the gift of photography. 

Help this long time Fernley family on the journey to remission.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Did you Know... general information Investment Pricing Sat, 16 Jul 2011 05:52:01 GMT
Senior Ambassador Application Senior Ambassador Application

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Thu, 14 Jul 2011 15:38:29 GMT
Looking for 2011-2012 Senior Ambassadors NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Senior Ambassador Program Guide

Senior Ambassador Application  

Join us as a Senior Ambassador and receive free and discounted Senior Portraits!!


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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Thu, 14 Jul 2011 15:16:41 GMT
Oh deer!!! Fernley, NV Commercial Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

This is a first an NNI!  Most amazing mount I have seen though!  Glad to be a part of it.  A friend needed some images to promote his taxidermy business, I think will do the trick!


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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Wed, 13 Jul 2011 13:44:38 GMT
Taylor, Fernley NV Senior Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Taylor isn’t a senior yet, but she has decided to take “senior” portraits every year during highschool and create a keepsake album at the end of her senior year!  What a great idea!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Graduating Seniors Portraits Tue, 12 Jul 2011 15:48:38 GMT
Pretty baby J Turns 1!! Fernley, NV baby photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

OMG This little one loves cake!!  We smiled the entire session!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) 1st Birthday Cake Session Babies and Children Tue, 12 Jul 2011 15:11:29 GMT
Softball fun NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

This week-end I took my camera thinking that I would get some shots of my girls playing softball.  Not long after I got my camera out my DS was off with it, then my DD took over.  I am amazed at some of the great images that they got!  20110709_0020_softball-300x200 20110709_0021_softball-200x300 20110709_0024_softball-200x300 20110709_0035_softball-300x200 20110709_0053_softball-300x200 20110709_0055_softball-300x200 20110709_0056_softball-300x200 20110709_0059_softball-200x300 20110709_0086_softball-300x200 20110709_0103_softball-300x200 20110709_0105_softball-300x200 20110709_0114_softball-200x300 20110709_0117_softball-300x200 20110709_0127_softball-200x300 20110709_0139_softball-300x200 20110709_0158_softball-300x200 20110709_0164_softball-300x200 20110709_0169_softball-200x300 20110709_0171_softball-200x300 20110709_0173_softball-200x300 20110709_0184_softball-200x300 20110709_0211_softball-300x200

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Action Sports Events Tue, 12 Jul 2011 14:43:51 GMT
sample post, fernley Nv baby photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) 1st Birthday Cake Session Babies and Children Portraits Tue, 12 Jul 2011 12:54:46 GMT
Seth and Darby NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.


What an amazing Wedding this was.  Thank you for letting us be a part of your special day.

Watch the Video here.


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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Portraits Weddings Thu, 07 Jul 2011 10:54:48 GMT
Baby Addy turns one! Fernley, NV Baby Photographer  

We were fortunate enough to meet Addy when she was only 9 days old.  A year of great memories, and just a couple of fussy ones!  I can’t believe she is a year old!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) 1st Birthday Cake Session Babies and Children Portraits Wed, 06 Jul 2011 13:56:58 GMT
Darryn’s First Birthday. Fernley, NV Baby Photographer Check out this little cutie!!!! So glad we could meet him and spend such a special day with him.


Darryn’s First Birthday.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) 1st Birthday Cake Session Babies and Children Wed, 06 Jul 2011 13:34:34 GMT
FHS Graduation; sample video Here is a short clip from the FHS Graduation video that is now available.  Please call the studio for ordering information.  This is only a sample.  The regular video is 9 minutes long and has all of the kids crossing the stage as well as some candids.



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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Events Graduating Seniors Thu, 16 Jun 2011 11:38:25 GMT
A Step Ahead PreSchool NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

OHHHHH  I couldn’t believe how darn cute these little guys were!  Thanks again for letting us be there for your special day!


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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Fri, 10 Jun 2011 13:58:18 GMT
8th Grade Promotion Dance NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

So Proud of our 8th graders!  We had a great time with you all.  Thanks for letting us be a part of your special day!




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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Dances Events Fri, 10 Jun 2011 13:33:14 GMT
Graduation, 9 months, :) NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Love these guys!  Two graduating, one from kindergarden, one from 8th grade, and a sweet 9 month old!  What a great week for you guys!


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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Families Graduating Seniors Portraits Fri, 10 Jun 2011 10:00:24 GMT
Sweet Girls NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

It has been a crazy couple of days here at NNI!  Can’t you tell that these girls just love each other!!!!  There has never been a better friend than a sister!


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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Families Portraits Thu, 09 Jun 2011 16:38:38 GMT
Baby A, Fernley, NV Baby Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

I had the pleasure of spending time with baby A this afternoon.  She has beed visiting us since she was 9 days old!!!!  I can’t believe that she is a year already!


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(Northern Nevada Imaging) 1st Birthday Cake Session Babies and Children Portraits Thu, 09 Jun 2011 16:23:11 GMT
Baby D, Fernley, NV Baby Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

I just couldn’t help but share this image from today’s session!  What a doll!  We played with balloons, ate cake, and had a wonderful time!  I wish every session could be so easy!


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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Portraits children Fernley NV portraits soni Thu, 09 Jun 2011 13:22:42 GMT
Hello world! Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Wed, 25 May 2011 12:58:08 GMT
Buying a house…. Another analogy about purchasing portaits…..  It is very simular to purchasing a house.  Not because the prices are simular, but because your options are simular.

Build your own:   You can build your own house.  You will have to purchase all of the tools needed, all of the materials needed, and put your own labor in to get a new house.      Likewise; you are able to build your own portraits, but you have to provide the tools, the materials, the knowledge and the time to create you own portraits.

Ready made:  You can purchase a pre-built home.  Finding the right home might be the most difficult part of this option, but someone else decides what options go into the home, how the home will be built, etc.  You pay a lump sum to someone else to cover tools, labor, materials, knowledge, and creativity.  This option is simular to national chain portrait studios.  Prices tend to be lower because your options are limited, which increase the sheer volume of work that can be produced.   Such as a construction company building multiple homes at one time to save on labor and material expensess.

Custom Built:  This is the most expensive option for puchasing a house.  The options are endless, size, quality, colors, textures…. You decide what your budget is and work with a contractor to bring everything together.  Your fees to the contractor will cover labor, use of tools, design fees, specialized craftmen, and the time needed to interact with you to help you make those decisions.  This is equivilant to hiring a professional photographer.  You will be able to custom build every aspect of your portrait experience.  You will choose a photographer based on past work.  You will be required to cover all of the photographers expensess because of the individual nature of the work the photographer can not recover expensess any other way.  You decide on your budget, artistic style, etc the photographer covers the costs of tools, specialty craftmen, laborors, design fees, etc.

All of these options have pros and cons.  There is no options that is best for everyone or every situation.  You have many different options to consider when choosing the best option for you.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) general information Investment Pricing Soni Tue, 24 May 2011 06:42:00 GMT
Purchasing Commitments Early in my photography carreer I was nieve.  I had an idea of what I thought I was going to do and then life happened.  Very simular to being a young mother, I had an idea of how things should work, and by gosh that is how I was going to do it, so much for reality.

During that time I had several people that had came to me appauled that other photographers required a minimum purchase.  A minimum of $350, even $500.  I was offended right there with those other photographers. My reaction was very much, “How dare those photographers tell you if you don’t have $350 to spend that they don’t want your business!”   I came to the conclusion that I would NEVER have a minimum purchase!!!!  I was not that proud.  Everyone deserves to get proffessional portraits no matter what their budget!

So my carreer continued, I gave every customer the same level of dedication.  I put my heart and sole into what I was doing.  I would sometimes spend three or four hours during a session with a graduating senior, or on a boudoir session.  At that time sessions were limited to one per day, because I was at the customers complete disposal.  I would travel, I would go to multiple locations, I would bend over backwards to make sure I gave 110% of what I had.  I had one session fee to cover all sessions, many of those sessions I gave away for free because I was so convinced that their images were so amazing that the customer would buy every single one of them!!!!!  Then my heart was broken!  Many times it would actually end up costing money out of my pocket for me to create someones portraits.

I would feel like I had failed because I had failed to earn a reasonable hourly wage.  If my photography had been better, my customers would be happy to compensate me in a fair amount.  Then I realized that it was not my photography that was lacking, it was a comunication breakdown.  If expectations were not clear on both sides, somebody would feel like they had gotten the short end of the stick.  I started a personal campeign to inform my customers about what they were paying for.  I still stand by my origingal perspective that I do not want to implement minimum purchases, I instead decided on having purchasing commitments.

Purchasing commitments helps both the photographer and the customer meet their goals.  Purchasing commitments are a breakdown of fees based on how much time the photographer will need to spend with each customer.  I have spent many hours calculating how much time is required to complete tasks associated with each customer.  I know that for every hour I spending behind the camera I will spend approximately four hours on other related work.  I know that approximately 50% of each dollar that I bring in will be used to pay for product that is delivered to customers.  I know that 20% of each dollar that I bring in will be used to pay for other business related expenses (electricity, insurance, licenses, etc), that leaves .30 on each dollar to pay hourly wages.  I can hear my husband right now, he would say “I don’t care how much it costs you to be in business and neither do your customers.  It is your choice to be in business, and it is your job to figure out how to make money.”  I know that it is not your responsibility to be my accountant, I just ask that you have an open mind.

I have a hard time with this.  Not because I think every customer needs to be aware of my finacial success, however, I have to balance between customers who are willing to compensate me for my time, and building a business model to create a profitable business. 

Hence, I created a purchasing commitment.  The purchasing commitment is a way for me to determine how much time I will need to spend with you, and how much I will need to make in order to ensure that I get paid.  Do to the vary nature of photography the is no alternate way for me to be compensated for time spent with a customer, time spent with one customer creates a custom product that can only be sold to that customer.  Do to these same constraints it is only possible to have a certain amount of customer sessions each week.

Think of purchasing commitments as your initial job agreement with your boss.  You make an agreement with your boss as to how much money you will be making, sometimes by the hour, sometimes by the week, sometimes by the year.  You have determind how much you require of your time and agree to take the job or not.  You must consider how much money you require to annalize if the wages will be a good fit for you; how much do you spend on housing, how much to you spend on food, how much does it cost you to go to work.    This process is what we call the customer consultation.  We determine how many hours you will require us to work, we determine how much money we need to generate from that time, and we come to a mutual agreement.

Consider the following scenarios:  You only get paid when your boss is standing in front of you, how much would you need to be paid each time you meet with him in order to provide your needed income.  Your boss decides how much to compensate you based one the size of your output work, not on the quality, the cost to produce that item, or the amount of time needed to create that item, how would you determine how much you would need to make?  After you complete a certain project for your boss your boss determines how much the project is worth and how much they will pay you,  how many projects would you do for $1 per hour before you decided to find a new boss?  What if your boss decided to pay one of your co-workers for work that you had already completed, because they agreed to take a lower dollar per hour wage?  What if you could only work three hours per week and had to generate a complete salary from those three hours, how much would you need to make for each of those three hours?

I guess I will quit rambling… it comes down to this.  If you value what I do please be willing to compensate me, or any photographer accordingly.  If you are interested in how much that will be you can calculate based on the following formula.  I expect to make a minimum of $15 per hour. 

Each hour spent shooting = 4 hours worth of work

Each dollar in revenue = 50% to cost of product, 20% to pay business expenses, 30% to wages.

1 hour session= 4 hours work = $60  (40 is 30% of X)  x=$200

Expect to spend a minimum of $200 in finished product for each hour that you spend with us.

I will commit to spending a certain amount of time with you, you will commit to compensating me for me time. 

Every time that you try to figure out a better deal, every time you try to figure out how to get something for free, every time you think that professional photographers charge to much , consider what you are asking of them.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) general information Investment Pricing Soni investment purchase soni Thu, 19 May 2011 09:21:18 GMT
Reno Barrons Visit Fernley 8th Grade Promotion Fundraiser, Fernley NV Event Photographer Several of the Reno Barrons Football players visited Frontier Fun Center last week here in Fernley.  We were able to help the local 8th grade class raise money for their upcoming 8th grade promotion!  It was great fun by all who attended!  The players took pictures with the kids, played a couple of games of bowling, and had a great time!  Thank you so much for being there!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Events Non Profit Wed, 18 May 2011 14:19:24 GMT
Copyright What is copyright?  How does it affect you?  Every once in a while I have a tough time with something to do with copyright.  I don’t think that people intentionally violate international laws, I just don’t think that people understand what is happening.

Last night, my daughter wanted me to check her homework, a poem with slideshow presentation to go with it.  The poem was amazing, a pyramid type poem about what it means to have a best friend.  I loved it, but the presentation was littered with copyrighted images.  My own daughter.  My brain started realing.  This is a generational problem, new technology, nobody knows how to deal with it.  Our parents didn’t teach us that digital content is protected and that it isn’t free to do with as we please.

My daughter said, “If I can’t use it, why is it on-line?”  This digital age, this age of instant gratification, it seems as though EVERYthing is at our disposal in the privacy of our own homes, our conscience is the only guidence to govern our actions.  But if one is unaware of what they are doing is unethical, the conscience will not kick in to say that it is not ok. 

I feel like a one man army.   One against everyone else.  I come up with analogies to try and conveigh my message.  I watermark my images with “DON’T SCAN!”.   I have chastized teachers for allowing their student to violate copyright.  I regularly test photo developers to see if they honor copyright.  I scan facebook for unauthorized use of images…..  Every time I find a violation I am devistated.  I take it personally.  I am confused as to why somebody would want to steal from me.  When the reallity is, people don’t know that they are stealing; people do not know that what they are doing is ethically wrong; people think that any content that is on-line is public domain.

We have been taught that copying our friends work is not ethical, in fact you will fail your class.  We have been taught that plagorism (sp) is a BIG no-no.  Downloading songs that don’t belong to you can cost you millions in restitution if you get caught.  Copying paintings will land you in jail.  Copying someone elses’ music will bring national critism (Milli Vanilli).  There are whole divisions of local law enforcment agencies dedicated to those who are professional copiers (black market) from copying everything from purses, to shoes, to DVDs, to watches, to…….

Basically, anything that can be copied, has been copied.  Anything that can be copied IS copied.  The difference is….  those with ethical and moral standards choose to not partake in unlawful activity.

Would you shoplift?

Would you copy a VanGough?

Would you support black market products?

Would you plagiarize?

The answer is usually no, because you know that it is wrong.  Help me grow my arm of one on the fight against copyright infringment!  Help spread the word that using other people’s information, pictures, text, etc. without permission is ethically wrong!  Help spread the word.  Help ensure that I, and every other photographer, will still have a job tomorrow.

Could you imagine if Colonel Sanders secret recipe was copied, and reproduced, and re-distributed?   It wouldn’t be very secret would it.  Just because the commonner has access to all of the tools that Colonel Sanders does, doesn’t mean that we are free to do what ever we want with that information!  Believe me, if you were able to take his recipe, copy it and distribute it, you would be looking at HUGE…. HUGE monitary punishments.  Because without the exclusive rights to that recipe, KFC has nothing to sell!

Could you imagine if Picasso’s work was freely distributed?  It would be called illegal!  Just because you purchase a painting does NOT mean that you can reproduce it and distribute it at will.  It isn’t limited to how it is copied…. copying it is illegal.  You can not re-paint it, you can not photograph it, you can not scan it, you can not draw it, you can not REPRODUCE it in any way!

I am VERY aware that people want to share their pictures on-line, facebook, e-mail, etc…..  We offer options for you to do that….. WITHOUT breaking the law, and compensating us for our time at a reasonable price.

It costs me over $10,000 a year to be able to capture the images that you LOVE.  This is not the cost of doing business, this is only the cost of being a photographer.  You have a choice whether you want to use me as a photographer.  I have to sell a whole lot of images to cover my expenses.

Do me a favor, if you don’t plan on paying me for the work that I have done, or that Northern Nevada Imaging has done, please don’t ask me/us to do the work.  That may be harsh….. but I do not want to work for free, and you spending $5 so that you can copy it and re-distribute an image will not get me any further.

I think that you would also be offended if your boss asked you to work for free.   Even more offended if your boss decide that you should work for free without consulting you about it.

When you hire a photographer, you are their boss.  You determine what their time is worth.  You determine how much money they will have to pay their house payment.  You determine how much their children will eat.  You determine whether they will live in poverty or prosper. 

A photographer may only work for one person at a time…… (It is physically impossible to be in more than one place at a time) if you do not plan on paying for that time let someone else utilize their time so that they may be able to provide a living for themselves.

If you are a teacher….   help teach our next generation right from wrong!   Please….  Please…. Please…. Know that it is unethical to copy other peoples work.  Help spread the word.  Teach those who will listen.  Just because the technology is available, does NOT mean that it should be done.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) general information Soni Fri, 13 May 2011 07:58:27 GMT
Breaking News: Northern Nevada Imaging cuts clients head off

October 10, 2010

Breaking News: This just in from the NPR News Room. It has recently been reported that Northern Nevada Imaging not only shoots people, but they also partake in the act of cutting peoples heads off. Experts agree that nearly 95% of all Northern Nevada Imaging clients have unknowingly had their head cut off. This is done in such a swift action that there is no immediate discomfort. The surgeon general states that there is not an excessive amount of bleeding, and as far as interviews with victims has not revealed any short term or long term memory loss has occurred. Victims may experience a sense of lightheadedness and a feeling of vertical constraint.

Representatives from Northern Nevada Imaging released the following statement: “We rather enjoy cutting peoples heads off. Our company feels that shooting people is simply not enough. We would like to ensure that most if not all of our clients and future clients will have their heads cut off, but, it shouldn’t hurt.”

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) general information Soni Tue, 10 May 2011 10:10:22 GMT
The Diary of a 5×7 One of my rantings from Febuary 16, 2011

Here I go on a little side note again…..  I often get calls from customers who ”only” want a couple of 5×7′s or a couple of wallets, or an 8×10….. you get the idea, and they are offended by the price that I quote them.   I try my darndest to create exactly what every customer wants, but because so much of what photographers do is behind the scenes I do not think people are aware of what they are actually getting, or asking for.  The next time that you want only a 5×7 I think that I may give it to you for free if you are willing to pay for my time.  I try to be upfront about prices and value and to give every customer the best value that I possibly can, but think of this next time you think that paying $35 for a 5×7 is too much.  For the last couple of months I have been tracking every minute I spend on a “typical” customer to see where I am spending my time.  Believe me, if I was independently wealthy, I would do what I do for free, but in the current ecconomy, I just might have to go get a real job that pays by the hour. 

here is the diary of one 5×7 print (aprox value $35)

Day 1:

Initial contact with customer      5 min

create customer file                    2 min

Day 2:

Prepare for consultaion              10 min

meet with customer                    20 min

clean up from consultation         5 min

Day 3:

Session reminder call/ email          5 min

Day 4:     Day of session

set-up for session                      15 min

greet customer/ paperwork        5 min

session                                      45 min

clean-up from session                 10 min

Download images, back-up images   10 min

Day 5:

sort images                                  15 min

color balance                              15 min

prepare images for viewing        10 min

Day 6:

Schedule viewing                        5 min

Day 7: Day of Viewing

Set-up for viewing                    10 min

meet with customer                  45 min

facebook preview                     5 min

on-line gallery                          10 min

Day 8:

edit image                               8 min

submit to lab                            5 min

Day 9:

Receive order from lab            2 min

Quality check/ package order      5 min

call customer to pick up order     5 min

Day 10:

Customer pick-up                     5 min

final paperwork                      10 min

thank-you follow-up                10 min

                               total time to create and deliver 1 5×7 print: 297 minutes or roughly 5 hours.   

$35/ 5 = $6 per hour gross.   Can you imagine what the net would be?    

What should you expect to pay?   Professional services usually gross about $60 per hour.   Please don’t be offended if I tell you that your 5×7 print or digital file is going to cost you $300. 

I get a very simular scenario from customers looking for a wedding photographer.  Maybe, I will work on the diary of a wedding photo someday.  On average a small wedding only needing a couple of pictures takes approximately 40 hours of work before an image is ever put on a piece of paper.

I love what I do, and hope that you love what I do enough to see the value in it.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) general information Tue, 10 May 2011 10:08:51 GMT
Introduction to Soni I like to rant and rave.  I guess you can say that I like to hear myself talk.  I get these ideas in my head and think that I need to share them with the world!  I am a horrible speller, just to get that out up front.  My punctuation goes out the window when I start typing.  I could edit, and re-write, but to be honest this isn’t an english class or a creative writing class and my only objective is to share information with you.

Often, after I write, I hear wisperings of “Soni is on the war path again”, or “I wonder who ticked Soni off?”  This is not the case at all.  I feel that knowledge is power, and also that people are good natured.  When somebody does something that has negative consiquence I assume that it is because they were unaware of what was happening. 

Knowledge is power.  I may be wrong, but I always assume that people are instinctively good natured and wouldn’t cause discountentment if they were aware of what they were doing.

I know that it is not my job to police other peoples reactions, but I know that if one person has a comment, a concern, or a misconcept, that there are other people out there who have the same misconceptions, questions and so forth.

Where my rantings do usually begin with a circumstance, I do not write to chastize a singular person, only to hopefully prevent further happenings. 

An educated consumer is a smart consumer.  I want my customers and clients to know what they are getting, why they are getting it, and what I expect from them.  If everyone’s expectations are on the same page we have a great experience.  Sometimes, it is hard to communicate expectations due to time constrants, stugles with words, or what ever the reason.

I do my job every day and often forget that a customer or a client may have never had professional portraits taken, or are limited to developing expectations based on other experiences.  EVERY customer has individual needs.  EVERY customer has individual expectations.  EVERY customer has different plans on what the will be doing with the images that have been created for them.  It is my job to try and accomodate those needs.  During that journey there are industry standards that most customers are unaware of (I don’t expect you to know, your not a professional photographer).

I would like to use these rantings to help give you the perspective of a professional photographer.  Because photographers and the portrait industry is ever evolving, and most consumers do not deal with photographers, portrait studios, or professional portraits on a regular basis, you don’t always know what you are getting and what you are paying for.

You may be interested; you may not be.  Choose to read, choose to follow, I won’t be offended if you think I am crazy or you just don’t want to hear what I have to say,  but possibly look at photography from a different perpective so that you can find a photographer to best meet your needs.  Take the infomation that I will give you and have the power of being an educated consumer to choose the portrait studio or photographer to best meet your needs.

What I will not do in my rants and raves is try to convince you that you need to pay me more money.  I have spent many hours creating  a pricing stucture that will ensure the success  of our business.  I only want you to know what you are paying for.  If you feel that Northern Nevada Imaging charges too much, choose your portrait studio or photographer knowing that you are doing so as an educated consumer.  You can not compare apples to watermelons, (I know it is supposed to be apples to oranges) but I will guarantee that even though they are simular because they are both fruit that is where the simularities end.  Portraits from a professional photographer or studio and prints from walmart have as many simularities…. 1. They derive from photography and that is it.  You can NOT base the price of professional photography based on what a national chain will charge you to print a 4×6 piece of paper.

I welcome you on this journey.  Everyone has the right to great images,  choose your photographer wisely.  Know what you are paying for.  Know what you expect.  Make your portrait experience a possitive experience no matter where you go.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) general information Soni Tue, 10 May 2011 10:04:12 GMT
Corinne Congratulations Corinne!  We are so proud of you.


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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Graduating Seniors Portraits Fri, 29 Apr 2011 12:25:45 GMT
John Doe Check out this band.  Great friends of ours and a great band.  Every time we attend one of their events we have a fabulous time.

John Doe.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Bands Promotional Fri, 29 Apr 2011 09:28:48 GMT
Miss Hannah is Graduating! NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Hannah and V came in to capture the celebration of her graduation from UNR.  Can’t wait until she has her teaching license,  I know she will be great with the kids.

Hannah's Graduation!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Graduating Seniors Portraits Wed, 27 Apr 2011 17:03:03 GMT
Allie Senior, Fernley, NV Senior Portrait Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

We went with Allie to Rancho San Raphel yesterday!  It was a beautiful day for a beautiful girl!

Allie Senior Portraits

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Graduating Seniors Portraits Wed, 27 Apr 2011 16:08:07 GMT
Zack, Fernley, NV Senior Portrait Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

We took Zack four wheeling!  We had a great time!  Thanks for being such a trooper!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Graduating Seniors Portraits Wed, 27 Apr 2011 15:19:01 GMT
Thank you Easter Bunny NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

The wiggly wabbits came to visit us at the studio once again for the annual Easter Bunny sessions.  What a great time and the portraits were absolutely amazing!  Stay tuned for our monthly studio events!

Thank you Easter Bunny

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Events Monthly Studio Events Portraits Wed, 27 Apr 2011 10:03:39 GMT
Paw Prints, Fernley, NV Pet Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

We are so excited to bring you our first ever comunity service pet event.  Bring in a 10 lb bag of dog or cat food and receive a free portrait or you and your pet.  Call the studio for more information, or to schedule your apointment.

Join us in helping local area pets in need.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Monthly Studio Events events Fernley NV pets Wed, 27 Apr 2011 09:02:44 GMT
Dayton High School Prom, Dayton, NV Dance Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

Can’t wait to visit Dayton High School for their prom!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Dances Events Wed, 27 Apr 2011 08:54:13 GMT
Website, blog, work I think in the midst of a couple of CRAZY months I have finally figured out the website/blog…. Now if I can get some of our images uploaded, we will be good!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) general information General Wed, 27 Apr 2011 07:35:17 GMT
Britany, Fernley, NV Senior Photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

I had an amazing shoot yesterday. We laughed and laughed, and I am sure that every customer thinks we have lost our minds…. from laying down on the ground to forgetting how the camera works, to breaking flash units…. it is amazing that we get ANYTHING done let alone capture such amazing images. Thank you Britany for being such a trooper (and Jess too)


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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Graduating Seniors Fernley Nevada portraits Senior Sun, 03 Apr 2011 12:53:45 GMT
Community Event Coming Soon! Keep an eye out for our May Pets Event!  Giving back to our community and helping our fourlegged friends is very important to us.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) general information Sun, 03 Apr 2011 12:43:15 GMT
A step ahead, Fernley, NV preschool photographer NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.

We had a great time with A Step Ahead Preschool yesterday! What a great bunch of kiddos and teachers….. Can’t wait to give you a sneak peak!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Babies and Children Pre Schools children Fernley NV preschool Wed, 23 Mar 2011 07:20:12 GMT
Snow day Fernley schools have a two hour delay today, no morning kindergarten today! Anyone want their pictures taken in the snow?

It is a busy week coming up! Preschool portraits, baby portraits, military portraits, senior portraits, I love this place!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) general information Fernley snow Mon, 21 Mar 2011 06:37:00 GMT
<no title> Tell us what you think of our website. Blog me:)

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) general information Fri, 18 Mar 2011 12:53:57 GMT
I’m Showing Tracy how to use this HAHAHAHAHAH…. I love it

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) general information Fernley NV Thu, 17 Mar 2011 13:25:39 GMT
iPad two Will it work this time.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) general information Test Thu, 17 Mar 2011 10:11:30 GMT
Quick post When I type here it goes where?

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) general information Test Thu, 17 Mar 2011 10:10:35 GMT
iPad I can blog from my iPad too!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) general information Blog Fernley NV photographer Thu, 17 Mar 2011 10:08:47 GMT
Easter Events at Northern Nevada Imaging Once again we are welcoming the bunnies!!!  Get your little ones Spring Portraits taken with the live bunnies!  This event has been a huge success.  The children love the interaction with our lovable bunnies and the images are amazing!  Call the studio today to schedule your session!

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) Events Monthly Studio Events Easter Fernley NV portraits Thu, 17 Mar 2011 09:39:57 GMT
Welcome to NNI Thank you for joining us at Northern Nevada Imaging.  We will be using our website to keep up to date with all of our customers.  We will be letting you know about upcoming events, sessions that we have had, new and exciting information about the studio, specials, and give you a glimps into our everyday lives!  Can’t wait to share this journey with you.

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(Northern Nevada Imaging) general information Fernley NV portraits studio Thu, 17 Mar 2011 09:35:54 GMT
the first post Welcome to Northern Nevada Imaging!

The post the first post appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.

(Northern Nevada Imaging) Thu, 17 Mar 2011 09:31:57 GMT