Buying a house….

May 23, 2011  •  Leave a Comment

Another analogy about purchasing portaits…..  It is very simular to purchasing a house.  Not because the prices are simular, but because your options are simular.

Build your own:   You can build your own house.  You will have to purchase all of the tools needed, all of the materials needed, and put your own labor in to get a new house.      Likewise; you are able to build your own portraits, but you have to provide the tools, the materials, the knowledge and the time to create you own portraits.

Ready made:  You can purchase a pre-built home.  Finding the right home might be the most difficult part of this option, but someone else decides what options go into the home, how the home will be built, etc.  You pay a lump sum to someone else to cover tools, labor, materials, knowledge, and creativity.  This option is simular to national chain portrait studios.  Prices tend to be lower because your options are limited, which increase the sheer volume of work that can be produced.   Such as a construction company building multiple homes at one time to save on labor and material expensess.

Custom Built:  This is the most expensive option for puchasing a house.  The options are endless, size, quality, colors, textures…. You decide what your budget is and work with a contractor to bring everything together.  Your fees to the contractor will cover labor, use of tools, design fees, specialized craftmen, and the time needed to interact with you to help you make those decisions.  This is equivilant to hiring a professional photographer.  You will be able to custom build every aspect of your portrait experience.  You will choose a photographer based on past work.  You will be required to cover all of the photographers expensess because of the individual nature of the work the photographer can not recover expensess any other way.  You decide on your budget, artistic style, etc the photographer covers the costs of tools, specialty craftmen, laborors, design fees, etc.

All of these options have pros and cons.  There is no options that is best for everyone or every situation.  You have many different options to consider when choosing the best option for you.

The post Buying a house…. appeared first on Northern Nevada Imaging.


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